What to Declare

When making baggage declarations, whether verbal or written, you must ensure that you declare all goods in your possession as well as their correct values. This includes: all goods acquired in or outside Botswana in your possession, including items you received as gifts, such as wedding or birthday presents; repairs or alterations to any items or vehicle in your possession, even if the repairs/alterations were performed free of charge; items you bought in any duty-free shop including such items bought duty-free on aircraft or ship; items you are carrying for someone else and; items you intend to sell or use for commercial purposes.

Please note that failure to declare goods and their correct values can lead to seizure of your goods and can result in criminal prosecution or the imposition of severe penalties of up to three times the value of the goods.

To avoid delays with Baggage Declarations please produce all receipts and sales slips for goods purchased outside Botswana. If you are unsure of the goods and values that you should declare, please ask for assistance from a Customs & Excise officer. In addition, please check if your goods are subject to any payment of customs duties and taxes or to any prohibitions or restrictions prior to importation or exportation.
