Southern African Development Community

Botswana is a Member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), a Free Trade Area that is committed, amongst other things, to eliminating customs tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers amongst its Members in an effort to ensure seamless cross-border trade amongst its Members. This means that goods originating from Botswana and destined for any of SADC Member States enjoy no tariff rates and no or reduced quantitative restrictions at destination countries. The same is true for goods imported into Botswana from other SADC Member States.

In order for the goods to enjoy these trade concessions, they must be processed or manufactured in Botswana as prescribed under the SADC Protocol on Trade summarised Rules of Origin.

Prior to exportation, traders are required to register with BURS - Customs and Excise Division (Classification, Valuation & Origin Section) and obtain a SADC Certificate of Origin for every consignment. Registration Requirements

For further information on SADC, please visit the SADC Website.
