Payments & Refunds - All Tax Types

The table below shows the due dates of payments

ASSESSED income tax Tax is payable within 30 days of the date of service of notice of assessment Where a payment is not received on the due date, tax payable will attract interest at 1.5% per month or part of the month. Section 95(1) Income Tax Act chapter 52:1Section 97(1)
Self Assessed tax(SAT) The tax is payable in advance on quarterly basis in four equal installments, from the commencement of accounting year or upon submission of tax return for companies with tax payable of P50,000.00 and below. Late payment of SAT installment attracts 1.5% interest charge on the number of months the installment is late Section 95(2)Section 97
PAYEPay as you Earn Tax payable by the employer within 15 days after end of month during which it was deductible. Non payment of tax on the due date attracts interest at 1.5% for each month or part of the month which remains unpaid. Section 98(1)(a)And section 101(1)Income tax Act
Other withholding tax Payable within 15 days after end of month during which it was deductible. Same as above Section 99 and 100 And 101(1)Income tax Act 
 Value Added Tax(VAT) Tax payable is due from registered person for each tax period within 25days after the end of the tax period. Unpaid tax will attract interest at 1.5% per month or part thereof, compounded monthly. Section 22(1) and 5thschedule paragraph 2 VAT Act

Methods of payments available

    •  By Cash
    •  By cheque
    •  Direct debit only available for Income Tax
        large taxpayers.
    •  Point of sale only available for payment of VAT 
    •  Bank drafts converted to pula at the prevailing 
       exchange rate
    •  Postal Order/ Money Order

Requirements For Payments
Taxpayers are required to provide the necessary details at the back of the cheque or bank drafts like:

  • The reference number or TIN
  • Name of taxpayer
  • Contact number
  • Physical address
  • State the Tax being paid

Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS)

Taxpayers are expected to know the type of tax they have come to pay and confirmation may be made at  Taxpayer Service Center.

In order to make payment the following documents should be completed:

Income Tax
1. Assesed tax

  • Remittance Slips (blue)
  • Taxpayer statement

2. Self Assessed tax

  • Remittance Slips (yellow)

3. PAYE and other Withholding Tax

  • Remittance slips (Pink)
  • ITW 7A or ITW 7B
  • ITW 9 / 17/21 where applicable

Capital Transfer Tax

  • Remittance slips (green)
  • Taxpayer statement


  • VAT return 002.1
  • Vat 17.1 for imported goods
  • Statement for deferred VAT

Note: In the event any cheque is dishonored taxpayers are expected to replace it by cash or a bank guaranteed cheque, failing which the following measures may be taken

1. Taxpayer may be prosecuted as per National Clearance & Settlement Systems CAP46:06 section 23.
2. A civil suit may be taken as per section 34 of VAT act CAP 50:03 and section 103 of the Income Tax Act.
3. An embargo may be put on company goods for failure to replace the dishonored cheque.


Refund of tax overpaid

Where the commissioner general is satisfied that any person has paid tax for any tax year by deduction or otherwise, in excess of the amount finally determined to be payable under the Act shall be entitled to have the excess amount refunded as per section 111(1) of income tax Act CAP 52:01.

Where the input tax is in excess of output tax, the registered person  may claim VAT refund, where the commissioner general is satisfied that the registered person is due for the refund taking into consideration section 42(2)(a) and (b) of VAT act CAP 50:03.

Offset of Refunds against unpaid tax

Where there is unpaid tax any refund of VAT or assessed income tax the refund will be utilized to clear or pay the tax debt.
