Privacy Policy


The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform all person(s) who access BURS website of the practices, terms and conditions that apply on use and disclosure of any information or content on BURS website. These terms and conditions are automatically binding and enforceable against any person that accesses this website.

Website use

  • Content from BURS website shall not be exploited by users without prior consent of BURS.
  • No person shall frame/forge BURS website and its content without prior consent by BURS
  • BURS shall not be liable for any loss, liability or damage that resulted from the use of hyperlink not directed at the home page of BURS website.
  • BURS shall not be liable over any personal content  that may be obtained directly from the owner

 Restrictions on Use of Contents

This site may contain links and references to other sites whose data protection and privacy practices may differ from ours. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of these other websites and encourage users to consult the privacy notices of those sites as required.

BURS will not be authorized to disclose any personal information collected through the website without the user’s consent; however BURS may use information collected to improve its website content and use it for any statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

Interception of Communication

BURS reserve the right to filter, read, delete, block or intercept any communication that may either be posted or sent to its website.

Correction, Amendments and changes to Content

BURS reserves the right to change the content and any other services available on its website, change terms and conditions of the website and or change any resources that may be required to access the website.


  • BURS will on its own capacity duly protect the confidentiality of information collected through the website by taking measurable steps in ensuring that security mechanisms are in place.
  • BURS will take appropriate steps to protect personal identifiable information as may be transmitted to the website
  • All person(s) who will access BURS website by using password or any form of ID shall also have the responsibility to take reasonable measures to safeguard such password or ID.
  • It is the responsibility of any user or all persons(s) who access BURS website to report any discrepancies, defamatory, illegal, infringing and harmful content from BURS website.

Legal implication

  • Communication between BURS and any person accessing BURS website shall be legally binding irrespective of whether the security features are applied or not for recovery of damages and or compliance of this policy.
  • BURS shall institute legal proceedings against any user who breaches this policy.

Notification of changes and Alterations to our Privacy Policy

We will post details of any changes to our Privacy Policy on the website to help ensure that users always get the most updated version of our policy.
